Study tours are surging in China amid tourism recovery

Friday, September 1, 2023


Staff at the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden in south China’s Hainan Province have been very busy during this summer holiday, as they were preoccupied with teaching children how to turn cocoa nuts into delicious chocolate.

Guided by these experts, the children eagerly ground the pits that were separated from the pulp into a fine powder.

Through this hands-on approach, they gained an understanding of the cocoa plant itself and discovered the art of crafting their very own chocolate.

Throughout this summer holiday period, the cocoa botanical garden has been abuzz with activity, attracting an average of 3,000 visitors daily.

Similar to the cocoa botanical garden, various other locations across China are gaining popularity as destinations for study tours.

In Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, the Ulan Buhe Desert has hosted a group of enthusiastic young students as part of a summer study camp. The study trip commences with a 3km desert hike, during which the participants directly experienced the challenges of desertification control.

Museums have become another popular destination for study tours. Nine museums in Suzhou introduced extended opening hours from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Why are study tours becoming increasingly popular?

A study tour provides students with practical learning opportunities that complement their theoretical knowledge gained through textbooks and classroom instruction.

The selection of destinations and activities for study trips is frequently tailored to correspond with the subjects covered in the curriculum.

The primary distinction between study travel and other forms of tourism lies in its emphasis on acquiring knowledge during the journey, said Luo Shugang, director of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the National People’s Congress.

In the past decade, the realm of study tours has undergone rapid development, presenting substantial potential among various segments of the tourism industry, he said.

Experts pointed out that a key factor behind this trend is that an increasing number of parents are recognizing the significance of practical learning experiences for their children.

The implementation of supportive policies for study tours is another contributing factor. Back in 2016, the Ministry of Education, along with 10 other government departments, issued a guideline to promote study trips.

As part of the tourism sector’s development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), which was released by the State Council in January 2022, there was an endorsement for establishing a series of study trip activity bases.

A booming sector in the tourism industry

Around 4.8 million individuals participated in study tours in 2019. By 2021, this number had risen to 4.94 million, according to the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the National People’s Congress.

In 2022, the number of participants in study trips soared past 6 million, reaching an all-time high.

As the market of study trips burgeons, relevant business entities are also emerging.

According to Qichacha, a Chinese platform that provides information about companies in the country, the first five months of 2023 alone have seen the addition of 322 new enterprises related to study trips.

In June 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced a list of 18 new occupations, and within this list, the role of a study tour instructor was included.

According to the ministry’s definition, a “study tour instructor” is an individual responsible for devising and executing travel plans, as well as coordinating activities for these study tours.

Provincial and municipal governments, along with cultural tourism units, also implemented corresponding standardized policies.

In July 2023, Sichuan Province introduced specific requirements for study tours, mandating agencies to seek the opinions of parents before planning the tours, and they were required to disclose the routes, course contents and fees.

Similarly, in mid-July, the National Museum of China in Beijing issued regulations to enhance oversight over activities conducted by external organizations.

These regulations emphasized the oversight and management responsibilities for study tour activities, stipulating that instructors need to convey historical and cultural knowledge accurately and objectively.

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