Mass violence,24 dead, State Department urges Americans to reconsider travel plans

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


nicaraguaAfter a day of deadly riots in Nicaragua, the United States Department is pulling some of its embassy staff and their families out of the country. A threat level has been raised for Nicaragua after the deadly protests and the Americans have been urged to reconsider any travel plans to the country.

Except for emergencies or by phone the embassy in Managua will not provide any services to the public.Due to a crack down on the protests around 24 people were dead.
A notice from State read as- Violent crime, such as sexual assault and armed robbery, is common.Police presence and emergency response are extremely limited outside of major urban areas.

In response to President Daniel Ortega’s plan to reform the country’s pension plan the student-led protests started last week. The plan could have increased employer and employee contributions while reducing benefits.

An announcement was made by Ortega to revoke that plans with the hope of placating the uproar in the country.

Until Mr Ortega leaves the office along with wife and vice-president, Rosario Murillo,  the students leading the charge have vowed to continue their demonstrations.

There might be some variations in the death and the Red Cross has so far reported of nine deaths after the protests started. They had so far helped 433 injured people while the Nicaraguan Centre of Human Rights mentioned that at least 25 people have died and that group stated that 120 people had been arrested.

Clifford Ramirez, a political science student mentioned that the protests were no longer for the Nicaragua Social Security Institute, but it was against the government that denies the freedom of expression and freedom of press and to demonstrate peacefully. He felt that there was no longer any space for dialogue.
In the due course the protests intensified and the student led-demonstrators gained the support of neighbourhoods and had angry residents coming out of their homes and voiced their concern about the deteriorating living conditions and government corruption.
There were barricades of burning tyres in the streets and mobs broke into and looted shops. However an army was deployed in response to the demonstration and pro-government demonstrators were also mobilized.
The international community was surprised and many denounced the violence. Mr Ortega’s government was requested along with the United States to allow the journalists to do their job  and atleast one journalist was killed in the violence.

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