Tourism Innovation Summit 2023 promotes responsible tourism

Sunday, October 22, 2023


In a world where tourism plays a pivotal role in the global economy, contributing nearly $7.4 trillion to the GDP in 2022, the imperative of sustainability has emerged as a central goal for the industry.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicts a surge in global tourism, estimating that 1.8 billion tourists will travel by 2030, doubling the 900 million in 2022. This underscores the pressing need to integrate sustainability into all aspects of the tourism sector.

Travelers are increasingly aware of the importance of making sustainable choices, with a recent Booking report revealing that 61% of tourists actively seek these alternatives.

The Tourism Innovation Summit 2023, held in Seville, Spain from October 18 to 20, will be the focal point of this critical discussion. With over 7,000 tourism professionals and 400 international experts in attendance, the summit aims to explore how innovation and technology can offer viable solutions to balance economic growth, environmental sustainability, and positive impact.

Prominent voices in the field, such as documentary filmmaker and environmental advocate Céline Cousteau, urban planning expert Alfonso Vegara, and leaders from national tourism offices, will discuss the adoption of sustainable practices and the future of sustainability in tourist destinations. They will delve into how businesses can implement sustainable practices to align with changing traveler expectations while achieving positive environmental and social outcomes.

Furthermore, the summit will address the impact of the 2030 Agenda on sustainable practices and explore ways in which tourism companies can align their strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event also includes discussions on climate change in the tourism sector, with a focus on maritime and cruise tourism’s impact on the oceans. It’s a timely and crucial conversation, highlighting the industry’s commitment to addressing environmental challenges while ensuring the growth and resilience of global tourist destinations.

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